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Ai Legal Advisors

California licensed attorneys with international legal expertise in the field of artificial intelligence.


We are proud to offer our clients the highest level of expertise at rates that are unmatched in the industry and a guarantee to always stay within your budget. Book a free consultation today to learn more.


Artificial intelligence and automation present brand new challenges for the legal community.


From chatbots and NLP (natural language processing) to classifiers and intelligent robotics, governments around the world are trying to keep up with a rapidly changing technological climate. Laws around regulatory compliance, liability risk, privacy, transparency and ethics are on the forefront of legislative action.


Enter AI Legal Advisors.

Our team of lawyers helps businesses from all over the world understand the legal and compliance risks associated with these technologies, and assists organizations in their government affairs strategies. Our government affairs professionals help businesses through all aspects of regulation and policies impacting AI, including funding opportunities and evolving legislation. Our team has extensive experience working with and has a deep knowledge of local, state, and federal government compliance.


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